
Showing posts from November, 2014

Summary : Subject Verb Agreement

Subject Verb Agreement by Putra Gml

Collective Noun

Collective nouns  adalah nomina atau kata benda yang menunjukkan pada suatu kelompok/kumpulan orang, binatang, atau benda. Perhatikan contoh dan catatan untuk  collective nouns  berikut di bawah ini. Collective nouns untuk kumpulan orang ( groups of people ), misalnya: f amily, crew, team, club, community, committee, choir, company, crowd, band, gang, orchestra, government, audience, army, etc.

Tugas Kemampuan Komunikasi : Bukti Tertulis Kerajaan Majapahit



Putra   : hi gays, booth of you could join my birthday party in my house tomorrow? Biyan  : that’s good idea, how about you Yani? Yani     : that’s good idea, but I must go to my grandma’s house tomorrow? Biyan  : can you tell me what happened with your grandma?